The Wedding Of
Nur Asih & Kurniawan
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Sang Mempelai
Nur Asih Rindhi Fatika
Bapak Kardi dan Ibu Srini
Kurniawan Saleh
Bapak Kasina (Alm)
dan Ibu Hj Sukarmi (Tarmi)
Akad Nikah
Minggu, 05 Maret 2023
08.30 Wib
Dk Mojorejo RT 01/ RW 08 Ds Karangasem, Bulu , Sukoharjo
Minggu, 05 Maret 2023
12.30 ( Ba’da dhuhur )
Dk Mojorejo RT 01/ RW 08 Ds Karangasem, Bulu , Sukoharjo
Counting To The Big Days
Day and night passed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to the presence of family and friends, to be witnesses of our sacred vows on a happy day.
Wedding Gift
Bagi Keluarga dan Sahabat
yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah,
silahkan mengirimkannya melalui :
In Light Of COVID-19, Governments Regulations will be stricly adhered to.
We seek your cooperation and to practice social responsibility
Wash Hand
Use Disinfection
Social Distancing
Wear Mask
Thank You
Stay safe at home now, party with us later!
~ One thing that cannot change, though, is the love that connects us all through time and space ~
Nur Asih & Kurniawan
Silahkan transfer hadiah melalui
nomor rekening maupun dompet
digital berikut :
Nur Asih Rindhi Fatika
Sebelumnya, kami ucapkan
terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami